NEW: Now we offer porcelain-fused-to-titanium crowns, porcelain-fused-to-electrogalvanic gold, and porcelain-fused-to-Captek. The latter is known as the most precise way to build the core of a crown – a technology invented in USA which involves capillary fusion of Gold and Platinum to build the core of your crown.
Fabricating a metal-ceramic crown (PFM) requires two appointments. During your first visit, the tooth is prepared for the crown, an impression is taken and a temporary crown is placed over the prepared tooth. At the subsequent visit, we remove the temporary crown. Then we fit and cement the final crown into place.
Some of the indications for a crown
-A previously filled tooth: If more filling than tooth structure is present, the existing tooth structure becomes weakened and can no longer withstand the biting forces. You either lose the filling or the tooth starts to chip off. In this situation a crown may be indicated.
-Cracked Tooth Syndrome: A tooth may exhibit pain with pressure, and this can be a sign of an internal fracture. This is usually due to a previously placed large amalgam (silver) filling which tends to expanded and cause cracks.
-Root canal: After root canal therapy teeth tend to become brittle and are more apt to fracture. These teeth should be protected with a crown.
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